Since you were kind enough to drop by, I will share a bit. I have entered a new season in my life. For now, I am writing less fiction and more nonfiction. My grandchild (nickname Peachy) is teaching me the art of play, and I am also traveling hither and thither with my husband. This is also a season when I’m feeling a bit creakier in my joints, and yet I’m feeling more alive in my spirit than ever. God has come close to me in such unexpected ways, and I have been continually surprised by our mutual delight. But then again, isn’t that the way it should always be with God?
What life-season are you entering?
Anita Higman

This Sacred Dance: Daily Visits with Jesus
Welcome to my heart-journey with God. These are prayers rising up out of my joy and pain, questions and awe, and sometimes my suffering and surrender. Join me in what I like to call This Sacred Dance with the Lord.
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